New Job Jitters
As you start your new job, rather than thinking about how vulnerable you have felt in your job search, focus on the present moment of your new job and then look to the future.

The Lonely Business of Job Searching
Rather than focus on others, turn your attention to your present moment. Forget the outside noise.

Small Bets Win in the Product Organization
The winner took all in this poker game, bar owner vs. awning company owner.

You’re $173.50 Away from Free Shipping!
The customer experience can feel like a circus when there is inattentive product management.

Simple Guidance for Leading Through Reorganization
So many times, organizations are focused on the logistical and technology impacts of the reorganization that they miss the most important part: the impact on its people.

A Practical Approach to Asynchronous-First Work
How organizations perform asynchronous and synchronous work taps deep into an organization, becoming rooted in the culture.

The 1:1: A Tool to Keep it Light and Intentional
Team flow is an outcome of the team’s personal flow, and the art of leadership to support progress.