Simple Guidance for Leading Through Reorganization

So many times, organizations are focused on the logistical and technology impacts of the reorganization (reorg) that they miss the most important part: the impact on its people. 

When this important step is missed, the teams and management will suffer now and later. They won’t have strategy, alignment, or connection to support them as they work and make decisions in the uncertainty and chaos that are sure to be a part of a reorganization. 

This blog is specifically focused on management working through change. Teams need to do this work, too. They are, after all, where the value is delivered. 

Possible scale for a corporate reorganization.

An excerpt from The Employee-Coach Handbook, here are some practical ideas for management to consider for working through their own change impacts:

Reflect. Use the practice of personal, curious, reflection to cut through the noise and chaos of change to understand what emotions and questions are present.

  1. Make a list or draw what bothers you about this change. And then what is good about it (this might be difficult; look closely for even 2% value). 

  2. Make a list of all your questions. Write them to get them out of your head. If/how they get answered comes later. 

  3. Make a list of people you want to talk with and why. Note if you need to talk with them now, soon, or later. This helps offer clarity and gets the details out of your head. 

  4. Create inclusion and connection by meeting with the person(s) you report to, so that you can talk about the change. No logistics or updates. Have an open discussion with each other about the impacts of this change. 

  5. Create inclusion and connection by meeting with your peers who are also impacted by the change. Exchange thoughts and questions. Perhaps you will find some early opportunities to learn from or help each other. 

  6. Create a boundary: making time to process change can’t go on forever. So how long is long enough? Those of us who have been shoved through change without a breath would say that even a day to think it through and have a few conversations would help. Better, would be a few days that includes a weekend or other time away from work. 


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When there is a Reorganization, do this First