New Job Jitters

It’s been a long, long haul to this moment where you have a job. Fantastic! And yet you still feel as vulnerable, or even more than you did before you had the offer.

As your start date draws near, mild or major anxiety is having a party in your head, spoiling all the positive vibes.
What if I get laid off again?
Would there be a severance package?
What about insurance benefits? Ugh!
It was such a long time without work; I cannot imagine having to do that again!
What if the manager is terrible? I am so exhausted from searching I can’t imagine starting over.
What if the team is terrible? I would have to start searching all over again!


Stop looking back, and focus on what you are doing in the present moment. You are about to begin a new career opportunity! Don’t sabotage your own good fortune and success by looking back at how hard it was. Now is the perfect time to look at right now, and then look to the future.

Change how you job search, and change your life.


The Lonely Business of Job Searching