The Lonely Business of Job Searching

Your job search can often feel lonely and negative, and, that you are the only person who is looking for work. People are getting hired, getting new roles inside the same company, and enjoying all manner of economic growth. 

The best you can do is not look at what other people are doing (by the way, there are a lot of people searching for work right now…you are not alone!), and focus on what you are doing now, in the present moment, and what you are planning for the future. 

This kind of focus is hard amidst the noise that is sometimes really hard to ignore. The Intentional Job Search free tool and online class offers standard work for every day that you job search so that you can focus on the activities that matter most to you. These activities help you maintain your well-being in a very precarious time, and encourage growth that you can carry forward to the rest of your wild and precious life. 

No more moping around feeling sorry for yourself; those days are over. Now is the perfect time to change how you job search, and change your life. 


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