Help for Job Loss/ Job Search Fear

Beware the “recruiter” contacting you about a Vice President role they are interviewing for right now. Just join this exclusive, SV California leadership community for $2500, and we’ll get your application process started.

Most people know better than to respond to this type of message with anything other than “DELETE,” but mistakes happen. Usually, this type of error has to do with fear of being without a job. Your livelihood. Plans for your future. These predators know that and find ways to try and snag you in a scheme.

A dial-up, red telephone on a desk.

Waiting for that email or phone call about a job opportunity can easily push us into fear mode. Mindfulness practice can help you notice the fear, and move past it.

The fear is real. Pausing to look at your fear and unpack it in a safe way can help you be less reactive and more strategic with any offers in front of you. Especially scam offers. When you teach your mind to notice that you are thinking about the fear, it will be easier to stop it and move past it. And, you will have better focus on your incredible, human potential. Try this:

Write these questions on paper, ahead of time. If you have a non-digital journal, consider using it for this exercise. Next, find time to be away from screens and people, and reflect on the questions. If it helps, write answers to the questions. If it helps you to say it out loud, do so with a trusted coach, mentor, or stuffed animal. The power of hearing your words out loud can be powerful.

  1. What is my fear?

  2. What is the worst part about this fear? Not the potentials. The actual fear.

  3. How does this specific fear hold me back from what I want to do?

  4. From here, pause even longer, and reflect on what arose from this exercise.

  5. Then, wait a day, and review what you wrote again. You may have more curiosities and discoveries.

This simple, inner agility exercise can help you refocus on the things that matter most to you. It won’t get rid of your job loss or job search fear, but it will give you the strength to push the fear away every time it arises, so that you can focus on your next, big adventure.


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