The Ghost Job

Whether you believe in ghosts or ghost jobs, you may have experienced the 2024 market weirdness: you apply for a job, make it through some or most of the process, only to be told the role is canceled. Then you see the same job freshly posted on Linkedin or other job boards/outlets. Gah! What is going on? Insanity! Yup.

Here’s my TikTok interpretation of the experience:

Here’s my TikTok interpretation of the experience:

Why do “they” do this? It really could be anything. Most common reasons that I have heard is that someone is going ahead of the budget confirmation, or someone is moving too fast for HR or budget comfort. Can you just see it: “When you said you wanted to hire an IC software engineer, we didn’t think you meant right now. We thought you meant…later. As in, much later.”

I would love to hear other situations you have experienced.

I found this research in a recent discussion group:

For the job seeker, the question remains: “Yeah, but do I apply for it again?” If the job is interesting, sounds like a good fit, and gives your Spidey-Sense good feels, it’s probably a good idea. Re-apply and re-contact your referral person to let them know what is happening in the most neutral way you can offer. Then, keep networking for your next opportunity. Keep grinding forward. 

The Intentional Job Search is a free tool and online class to help you keep growing vertically while you search for work. Just because your income stopped doesn’t mean your growth has to stop.


Networking is a Grind (do it anyway)