So, You’re a Product Coach

The investment in coaching to improve the product focus of an organization is valuable and encouraging. And, that investment could probably be a little more strategic. In some cases, a lot more strategic. 

Where to begin? Start where you are and whatever you do or do not do, try not to be overwhelmed. More specifically, it’s easy to fall into thought patterns about coaching to the best product management skills and maybe even how to align product and technology. While substance and focus is needed, strategy and resilience provide the foundation to deliver product coaching. 

Leading change, and that is what a product coach does, is difficult and relentless work. Having a strong foundation under you and your team will help you through the difficult times and help you sort through the best opportunities. 

Enter The Employee-Coach Handbook, a step-by-step guide to setting up your product coaching capability for success. This small but powerful resource gives you guidance on how to grow a strategic and resilient product coach team, and individual practice. You will learn both team and individual practices that create space for growth and life-changing experiences. If you are willing. 


Race Report Ironman Hawaii 70.3 June 2023


Coaches are Curious