Interview Red Flag + Rad Culture Query Tool

You’re jazzed to get a screening call, or a first interview, but the recruiter or hiring manager’s calendar only has openings on the weekend. Is this a red flag? It could be.

I created a TikTok on this topic

Red sky in morning, sailors take warning. 

There are several considerations, including international and alternative work schedules, a glitch in the calendar, and giving space for those who cannot break away for an interview during work hours. 

It’s best to get as much intel on the culture as you can from your network and from the interview process. One excellent tool to assist in asking great culture questions is { Key : Values }

The potential red flag is worth some time investment, never to be ignored, even if you really need to work right now. Finally, practice reflection, so that you can evaluate the situation against your personal values and vision. 

Learn more about having an intentional job search here


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