Back of a Napkin Beginning
Making your idea visual in some way is a great thinking and reflecting experience. Okay, this is graph paper, not a napkin, but the sentiment is the same. Sketch, draw it, shape it, without judgement or hesitation.
“How do you do it?”
“Do what? I’m still unemployed, remember?”
“Yes, and how do you stay positive? You have a lot of reasons to be angry and disappointed, and yet you seem so resilient and focused.”
“I can’t give up. I’m not that kind of girl…”
“I know you won’t quit.”
“And, I’m learning a lot.”
“But it’s way, way more than not giving up. You seem to be…thriving.”
<pause, not awkward, not comfortable. How authentic do I go with this person?
I’m gonna go for it…>
“What I’m learning now is not just about my job search. It’s about how I want to intentionally live my wild and precious life.”
After many conversations like this, I resolved it was time to share my approach to building an intentional job search. It’s strategic, focused, and includes wonderful-human-well-being practices and tools for a neurodiverse population. Unlike other services, groups, councils, and tools, The Intentional Job Search fosters personal care and personal growth that you will carry with you well past your job search, into the next chapter of your life. If you are willing, The Intentional Job Search supports all of you.
Next week, you will have access to the tool and the online course to support your own Intentional Job Search. I hope you return next week to explore the IJS tool and course!